Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Leadership - Courage = “Position Holders”

I’ve spent a lifetime working with or for so called “leaders”. I’ve read many, many books about leadership. I’ve attended and conducted leadership conferences and seminars. Again, this year I will travel to several countries discussing leadership issues.

 However, I’ve discovered that people confuse “Position Holders” with   true leadership.

Too often is the case that those holding positions of authority e.g., politicians, company CEO’s, corporate executives, religious officials, mom, and dad etc. lack a key ingredient to qualify as a leader. They are missing Courage!

Maybe we should have Courageship seminars!

Courage (also called bravery or valor) is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger uncertainty or intimidation.

Moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal discouragement, or personal loss.

Let me give you an example from British history to the differences of position holders and leaders. Consider two Prime Ministers of the UK…

 Neville Chamberlin known for his “foreign policy of appeasement” and Margret Thatcher, a self-described “conviction politician”, disliked by many she was dubbed the “Iron Lady” because she stood against conventual cultural thinking.

People may disagree about a lot of things in 2023, but one thing everyone seems to agree on is “the world is broken” its a mess and things are getting worse, not better. 

Every day we are seeing it first-hand There is a constant and pervasive cultural construct that has invaded the thinking, policies and actions in our world promulgated by news and social media.

 If a person stands firm and will not affirm much of what is deemed acceptable in our society (especially in the realm of human sexuality) then they are considered as out-of- touch, ignorant, old fashioned or bigots. 

This is not new stuff…..

“ The Russian Bolsheviks have discovered that truth does not matter so long as there is reiteration. They have no difficulty whatever in countering a fact by a lie which, if repeated often enough and loudly enough, becomes accepted by the people.”

Winston Churchill

 From the halls of congress, the executive offices of organizations, class rooms of our schools to the living rooms of our homes there are “appeasers “who are going along to get along afraid of criticism from the mob of woke culture. But remember,

 “Any dead fish can swim downstream”

 As a Christian, I will neither affirm nor hate those who have an opposing view.

 However, I will stand firm and with God's help show courage as I pray for and encourage position holders to become genuine leaders through “Courageship”

 Finish Well as you Press on....


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