Monday, December 27, 2021

Will You Really Have a Happy New Year?


The traditional reframe during this season is "Happy New Year".

Your worldview and how you think about life will have a major impact on the reality of your happiness for 2022 and beyond.

To get started correctly with the right thinking and your subsequent "action plan" we must deal with THE EIGHT LIES that permeate our culture today. These popular and persistent lies have and will continue to derail our personal and societal happiness and cause ongoing confusion and frustration as we move through another 12 months.

 The eight lies...

#1 - Life is random:

If a person believes that we are here by chance and that there is no design or purpose for our existence, how can a person truly set themself up for a position of success? If we are born by evolutionary chance, sustained by random circumstances, and die into oblivion, then what is the motivation to succeed, prosper and do good for the common good?

# 2 - Truth is relative:

The world is crumbling (in part) because so many have adopted the idea that "what is true for you is your truth, but not my truth". Absolute truth is no longer permitted in the public square. It's viewed as narrow-minded or bigoted. Today truth ebbs and flows to whatever we want at the time. If everyone is allowed to make up their own rules about morality, civic or corporate laws, how can anything be put in order for mutual human flourishing? How can one succeed with a chaotic worldview?

# 3 - Human beings are basically good.

The prevailing opinion in many circles today is that people who do bad things are just a product of unfortunate circumstances i.e. "something happened to them to make them behave that way, but people are basically good." Really? Do you have to teach a child to lie? Have you ever taken something from school or work that wasn't yours? Did you ever pad your income tax statements or expense report? There is present an inherent evil in all of us. Organizations spend millions of dollars every year developing, communicating "value statements" or conducting value seminars. Why would we do that if we're all basically good?

# 4 - The highest virtue is tolerance.

Since there is no one in charge, there are no absolute truths and people are basically good, then the best thing you can do is just leave everyone alone and let them do what they want to do. Don't be judgemental and we will experience unity in the world. How can a society or individual prosper in a world that operates in a free-for-all system where everyone does what they want to do, and the rest of us are expected to be "tolerant" of others' behaviors and attitudes.

#5 Life really consists of what you possess, acquire, or own.

Malcolm Forbes is created for saying “He who dies with the most toys wins.”

For some, money and material things equate to a Happy New Year. For others, it's the possession of education, accomplishments, titles, position, achievements, recognition, popularity, or fame. That's what you have to chase. Once you get it, you'll be happy. However, millions of biographies have detailed the necessity to dispute this lie.

#6 The goal in life is personal satisfaction

People want to be feel good about themselves. Sex, drugs, money, and rock-n-roll were the anthems of the '60s. And sadly, the same today. Even those who do good in charitable giving admit that they do it because it makes them feel good about themselves. Is it good to be charitable? Of course! But what is the true motive? Ultimately people live and seek what they think will help them sleep better at night. That chase sadly creates a big hole in the heart that can never be filled. The country singer Toby Keith wrote a song with the chorus that repeatedly declares...

" I wanna talk about me, wanna talk about I,

  wanna talk about #1 oh my me my.

What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see"

Aka..It' all about me..and feeling good about me.

#7 You can become anything you want.

This idea of you can reach inside yourself, that if you work hard enough you can be anything you want is a cruel lie given to us by television preachers, the collective thoughts from philosophies like Hinduism, get rich authors and motivation speakers. We all have limitations, genetically, intellectually, culturally etc. Can we better? Can we be the best we can be? Should we strive for improvement! Yes, but we can't become something we are incapable of becoming. We will be happiest when we harness want we are good at, what we have the aptitude for, what we enjoy doing, and embrace opportunities to show case those gifts and talents we're given.

# 8 Death is a pleasant transition

Don't worry about death. If your worldview tells you, you came from nothing and exist by chance then death is just following the light at the end of the tunnel of nothingness. As one person told me "We become stardust". You'll hear people at uncle Fred's funeral, (who was a wife-beater, crook at work, a drunk, foul-mouthed, and unkind to others) say, "he's in a better place now". Really? Your aunt Mable will not be pouring another glass of her favorite wine and making biscuits. She may or may not be in a better place. That will be determined by the choice she made while she was alive.

I know many will think this is not the most uplifting article to write as we close in on a new year, but I truly wish you a Happy New Year. We still can recapture our western culture. This is not a republican or democratic thing. It's truth, principles, and common sense that once defined us in western civilization. As leaders in our families, our communities, and companies we must resist the cultural pressures to conform ..Any dead fish can swim downstream.

* Life is not random. As I've told many leaders, students, during my professional life, 'You were made for a purpose. Your job is to seek and find what that purpose is."

* There are absolute truths. They may be uncomfortable and inconvenient at times, but they are essential for human flourishing.

* Humans are not born good. There built in all of us a desire to rebel at some level.

* The acceptance of the idea of unbridled tolerance creates chaos.

* Happyness and life are not about what you can get, own or acquire for yourself.

* The drive for personal satisfaction will leave you empty and unattainable.

* You can not be anything you want. You can only be what God has gifted you with and created you for.

* Sadly, for many, death will not be a pleasant transition. For others, death will be the best part of their living.

Share this article with others as we all seek to.......

Press on in a New Year

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Leadership and Success Lessons From The Taliban


Seventeen years ago I worked for an NGO in Kabul, Afghanistan. I was amazed then at how backward the country and the people were. I was astonished by the lack of infrastructure and the conditions the Afghan people were forced to endure in the 21st century. 

Today, I'm amazed again about this central Asian country. After 20 years of hard work, thousands of NATO lives lost and trillions of dollars spent, this country is on the threshold of returning back to its 6th century existence.

As devastatingly sad and humiliating the departure our political leaders have forced on the world, I've found myself marveling at the Taliban. The British, Russians and Americans couldn't defeat them. There's a lesson to be learned from a people who even Alexander the Great said in the third century BC "It's impossible to conquer the Afghans".

Listed are just some of lessons we can learn from the Taliban

1. Knowing who you are, what you stand for and believing in the goal.
America has lost just about everything listed. In our country today,  almost everything is "political" and confusing. While the world goes to hell we argue over "white privilege, racial identity, gender identity, critical race theory, climate, BLM, police protection, open borders and the use of proper pronouns. Really?
What exactly are our national, organizational or personal goals? What do we stand for and what is the ultimate goal? Young America knew 243 years ago, but it would be difficult to find consensus in our nation today.

2. United in purpose

Although we see the chaotic pictures on TV of Afghans at the airport, still more than 60% of the people support the Taliban. Why? Maybe because they have proved to be winners. Maybe because they understand the Taliban's unwavering purpose. Maybe it's the resolve of their leadership to accomplish that purpose. If you don't know where you're going or why you exist, failure is sure to find you, if you can't find your way.

3. Patients
When you have a proven record of success and don't abandon your core belief in the face of new challenges, good things can happen. You can afford to "wait out" the futile attempts of your competition.  I think of organizations like Chick-fil a, Hobby Lobby and others who stay with who they are in spite of public attack or  changing cultural norms. The Taliban lost many battles but patients won them the war. Again!

4. Knowing your competitors weaknesses and relying on your proven capabilities.

The greatest weakness of the Taliban's enemies (America) was the lack of determined leadership in Washington. With every new election in our country, comes a new Commander in Chief complete with a new strategy and agenda based on opinion polls and political calculations. Our brave men and women deserve better than the political class in DC.

Nations, homes and organizations who possess strong committed leadership are essential for victory.

I'm not ashamed of our country, I'm embarrassed by our leaders in DC and saddened by what we've become.

Afghanistan has never been a nation, they are and have been a collection of tribes. I fear that's what America is becoming.

Today, I pray for those who have served and for the people of Afghanistan.

Monday, May 10, 2021

The Bill and Melinda Gates Problem


Recently I listened to a TV commentator lament the tragic demise of the 27-year marriage of the billionaire couple Bill and Melinda Gates. 

 The commentator made an astounding proclamation.....

"The Gates raised three beautiful children, never was involved in any type of scandal, appeared quite a great couple publicly. Add to that they made billions of dollars which gave them the freedom to give away millions through their famous philanthropic foundation. They did so much good around the world."

After a pause, the reporter went on to say, " if they can't hold a marriage together, what hope is there for the rest of us?"


I yelled aloud my answer back to the television...(I'll tell you later what I said).


I applaud the generous giving this couple has provided to a number of very meaningful and worthwhile causes. Their desire to "do good" cannot be discounted.  And I hope the best for them in the future. 


However, like many high-profile people, they developed a "celebrity snobbery". Just because they knew how to make money and give it away does not mean they were experts in anything else (which they proclaimed to be on several topics). They preached to us about climate change, hunger, and world health diseases and how to eliminate them, but could not cure their own life. This arrogant couple lectured us, lowly mortals, on how to heal the earth, but couldn't rescue their own marriage. Why?


I've witnessed the same downfall in other individuals, couples, leaders, and organizations. I myself have suffered tragic failures after embracing some of the same behaviors, thinking, and attitude. I could give a laundry list of WHY, but for the sake of brevity, I'll just give ya the big one, which all others come under.


                              "Looking for love in all the wrong places"


> Love of money.." which is the root cause for all types of evil"..In many cases, having too much money is worse than not having any.

J.D. Rockefeller was once asked “How much money is enough?” He answered, “Just a little bit more.”


> Love of power...Longings and striving for power, status, fame, and recognition is a common feature of those in and with power who crave more. The lengths they will go to obtain more is incredible. They are often willing to forfeit all moral and ethical principles to acquire more.


> Love of Self.. When you think you've got all the answers, you're ripe for big troubles. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Be careful about yourself and your motives.

Pride is an excessive preoccupation with self and one's own importance, achievements, status, or possessions.
"Pride goes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall"


> Love for freedom..."NO-ONE is going to tell me how to live my life. It's my body, it's my money, it's my life it's mine, mine, mine."


> Love with the idea of being their own god...All of the above are subsets under this one category. Since the fall of man, it's been the same story. When governing rules, commandments, precepts and principles are ignored or disregarded, you can count on a reckoning somewhere along the way. It's inescapable. We've been told clearly, “You shall have no other gods before Me."   Deuteronomy 5:7


So what did I say to my hotel TV Sunday morning after hearing the commentator? 

  One word --       "Meaningless"


The wisest, wealthiest, and most accomplished man who ever lived, tried everything he could to find happiness, meaning, and purpose during his life. He left nothing out. Unconstrained sexual adventures, work projects, education, he withheld nothing that he thought would bring him pleasure and give satisfaction. He had excessive pride and admiration of his own appearance and achievements. After every failed attempt for self-fulfillment, he proclaimed "vanity, all is vanity" which is a quality of being worthless or futile. He said in essence, it's Meaningless!


 He ended his lifelong search with a final conclusion which he wanted to share with us.  A statement which you and I as well as Bill and Melinda should carefully consider.....


"When all has been heard, the end of the matter is: fear God [worship Him with awe-filled reverence, knowing that He is almighty God] and keep His commandments, for this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, every hidden and secret thing, whether it is good or evil." 

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 AMP


There is a love that is true and right. Find it and you will surely......

Finish Well!

Monday, March 15, 2021

Words Seldom Spoken By Leaders


I've been so very fortunate to have a career that has allowed me to speak before thousands of people over the past 30 plus years. A chosen profession that has allowed me to influence business leaders and young people in different parts of the world. I've rubbed shoulders with the wealthy, powerful, men and women in governments and business in a variety of industries around the globe. I've been given the greatest education of all by being in the presence of really smart and gifted people who are experts in their field of endeavor and I've learned so much from them. They have made me better, professionally and personally.


I've watched and listened to powerful people who have delivered directives, motivational and inspirational speeches. I've also witnessed unkind and destructive actions and statements hurled at their subjects.


As a communicator myself, I've reminded my audiences over the years of what the Australian aphorist William George Plunkett said " Three things that never come back: the spent arrow the spoken word the lost opportunity."


However, there are some words I seldom hear from leaders. Two words, in particular, I've rarely heard from those in authority and power which are...."I'm Sorry".


In our woke society, there seems to be an abundant number of people who are eager to be offended these days. As a result, we've watched celebrities and politicians issue self-protective apologies if they've been criticized for saying something others might take offense to. Some have even lost their jobs. As ridiculous as I believe that is, that is not the issue I'm focused on today. Wokeness has nothing to do with my concern in this writing.


I'm talking about the CEO, the line boss, the parent, the coworker the political leader who has lost their temper who’s made a decision or took action, made a curt remark, which has harmed another person. Seldom do any of these people of influence say "I'm Sorry" or "I've made a mistake" - "Forgive me". Sadly, many in positions of influence hurl destructive words carelessly just because they can and are never called out for their actions.


I myself can recall damaging words and actions I've distributed that now, I painfully regret.  The old rhyme we chanted as children "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me". That's a lie! Words do hurt and may have lifelong consequences.


Why is it that leaders can't (or won't) simply say,  "I'm sorry" when they know they were out of line?


Here's is a short list of why. And I speak from experience.


Pride, arrogance, self-aggrandizement, cluelessness, haughtiness, indifference, detachment, callousness, hubris just to name a few.


I know which category I fall in.  Do you?    


It's never too late for you to change your behavior and speech. It may not be easy and will require an honest and disciplined life change. Here are some suggestions to consider.


1. Somehow, someway, find out what people think of you as a communicator. Do they consider you honest, creditable, helpful or harmful, consistent, caring, cruel, considerate, full of yourself, or mindful of others?


2. Become truly aware of your failings as well as your giftedness and the damage, confusion, or encouragement that may arise from your words, deeds and actions. If you are a person of influence, you'll no doubt hear of the victories, as people tell you when you've inspired or encouraged, but seldom will you hear of the damage you've done because of your careless words or attitude.


3. Practice the art of silence.

"Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent". Proverbs 17:28 NLT.

The day President George W. Bush was told of the 911 attack on our country he was sitting in front of a group of school children. His immediate reaction was "silence". A masterful example of a leader who took the action of inaction saying nothing until he could gather facts before speaking.


4. Think about the words you use. Do you communicate to impress or express? Have you developed an intellectual vocabulary that paints pictures filled with compassion and understanding? Do you genuinely understand the word you're using? In our PC culture, we misuse words routinely and intentionally to invoke emotional responses. Words like "racist" or "hero" have lost their meaning. Having a prejudice or bias does not equate to being a racist. If you are a firefighter, police officer, or nurse that does not make you a hero. You are a person doing your job.


5. Guard your mouth. Do you routinely use four-letter words to try and make a point? If so let me tell ya, you don't sound cool. Actually, it not only sounds dumb but also makes you look foolish, a person with a limited vocabulary who resorts to vulgarity to cover up inadequacies. You diminish yourself with foul language and you demean your listener.


6. Begin each day with a reflection of the previous day and consider your words carefully. Words you'll never get back once they've left your mouth.



If all that we say in a single day,

With never a word left out.

Were printed each night

in clear black and white

‘Twould prove strange reading, no doubt.

And then, just suppose,

‘ere our eyes we could close,

We must read the whole record through;

Then wouldn’t we sigh,

and wouldn’t we try

A great deal less talking to do?

And I more than half think

That many a kink

Would be smoother in life’s tangled thread.

If half that we say in a single day

Were left forever unsaid.

--Author Unknown

 I must admit, I'm profoundly ashamed and embarrassed about some of the things I've said to people, be they colleagues, clients, my children or spouse, or even casual encounters. So let me say sincerely if you have been a recipient of my words or action that has caused harm or detracted from helpfulness or goodness, I'm sorry...

I'm on this journey of life just as you are and it's still my desire to ....

Finish Well.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

What Will Kill America? Perspective

  I recently read a story of a clever English professor who wanted to teach her students the power of perspective.

 She walked into the class and wrote on the board: 




 She picked two volunteers from the class, one man and one woman. She brought them to the front of the room, handed each of them a marker, and asked them to provide the appropriate punctuation for the sentence she had written. The young man went first. He didn't pause at all as he walked up and made three quick marks making the sentence read:




 He stepped back smiling, confident he had aced the assignment. Now it was the young woman's turn. She approached the board shaking her head, and without hesitation she erased two of the guys marks and replaced them with the following.




 The lesson, of course, is that two people can look at the same thing, but see two very different interpretations. It' all about our perspective: a simple change of perspective can fundamentally change our whole lives and indeed, our country.


So it is, in my opinion, one of the major killers of America which comes from with-in, from those so-called progressive thinkers, those who want us to believe they are the enlightened ones with their different view points. We have lost perspective on what made this country great from its inception.                                          

                                     ( There are two women in this image )


·                                   Perspective = Who are we? 


No longer are our children taught the true and complete history of our country. Instead, they are told the mistakes of our past. We live in the midst of a "cancel-culture" that's stupid in its intent and dangerous in its approach.


 In our personal lives, there is no such thing as "do-overs".  In the area of  finance, health, love, and relationships if you make terrible decisions you learn from those mistakes. Most likely you'll continue to live with some regret and consequences of the pain and hurt associated with your past behavior, but you can't erase it. It's still there. 


 Tearing down statues and eliminating words or phrases does nothing but make spoiled harmful anarchists feel like they've achieved something. We have lost perspective on who we are and what it means to be American. “I pledge allegiance……..” is being destroyed in our modern society.

·                          Perspective = Economic and Financial understanding  

Buchanan said many years ago “We will soon become a 3rd world country if we continue to import poverty and export our good paying jobs overseas.” Witness the thousands of poor people who flood our southern boarder with little to offer to grow America and at the same time skilled jobs moving abroad. Couple that, with technology replacing jobs and what do we have left?


 We live in a borrowers world. The TV commercial that asks, "What's in your wallet?" suggests you may not have the right credit card. We now have two generations of financial pygmies going on three. Our legislators perpetuate the old credit card theme "take the waiting out of wanting" while raising our national debt to a point we will soon become Greece.

 There appears no end in sight to the printing of money and spending what we don't have. Proverbs 22:7 says “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is a slave to the lender.” China has no need to kill America with guns; they will do it with our debt to them.


 We are a country and an economy built on free-market capitalism. Profit is not a dirty word but rather the engine for raising the standard of living that is still the envy of the world. Government consumes wealth, it does not create it.

 Therefore those who long for greater social programs are nothing more than dreamers and freeloaders. You can't borrow your way to prosperity. There WILL be payback at some point in the future, and it will crush our economy and way of life.


                            Perspective = Moral Compass

With all that's already been described it is no small thing to identify how we have come to be confused with gender and sex roles, driven a wedge between races and ethnicity, and departed from all our founders considered to be scared and most important. All other issues pale to this one truth. 


God has given us clear instructions on how to live but we have become a nation of humanists, agnostics, and atheists. We have gone from "God Bless America" and "In God, we trust" to as President Obama's pastor who said "God Damn America." 


We have become to believe that life is all about us. We have lost perspective. The only perspective that matters is that of the creator of the universe the One that allows kingdoms and nations to rise and fall in accordance to His will, His honor and His glory.


We have been warned. 


"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." Galatians 6:7


This is not a religion or political game. I know many will scoff at this last point, but all else hinges on this one pivotal area in the life of America.


"It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Hebrews 10:31


I fervently pray for our country as we strive to……

Finish Well

Thursday, January 21, 2021

What Will Kill America? Covid - Technology -Both - Other?


On a recent trip to Florida, I encountered two very interesting Uber drivers. Each was a pleasant and conscientious customer-focused guy. I always love to engage people I meet about business and in particular, their work. I like to hear the stories of success, failures, and dreams for the future. Both of these gentlemen gave me a lot of information on those topics during our brief exchange during our transit through Gainesville. I’ll call them Uber 1 and Uber 2 although Uber was not their identity it was their stopgap job during these uncertain times. 

Uber 1 drove a very nice black Lincoln. When I asked him how he became a driver he explained that driving an Uber on the weekend was nothing more than escape from home. Fearing he might launch into describing an unhappy marriage or domestic problem, he quickly explained that his regular job was that of an IT problem solver and troubleshooter for a large company. Because of Covid, he is now required to work from home and the inability and opportunity to interact with people was driving him nuts. He told me “I don’t need the extra money, but I absolutely must connect with other human beings and this was an excellent vehicle for that opportunity." (See what I did there?)


Uber #2 was an Engineer whose company experienced a severe cutback in personnel due to loss of business since the pandemic. He described to me that as a father, needing to provide for his family (including 5 kids), “I’ve got to do something to put food on the table”… He went on to describe how technology has all but locked him out of the job market. In frustration, he told me “HR departments won’t give me a chance to show the kind of guy I am or the value I can provide. All they look at is the on-line resumes. If they contact me at all, they tell me I’m overqualified. I know that!          But I’ve got to feed my family. I can’t get a face-to-face interview with anyone! It’s so frustrating!”


As a business professional who has delivered speeches and taught classes around the world, I know the power of live feedback from the audiences and robust dialogue with differing opinions. Zoom calls and meetings, virtual sales presentations, or staff reviews can NEVER have the same impact as in-person communication.


I read recently that McDonald's is exploring a new drive-through experience by replacing inside dining with robots who will take your order as you pass the drive-through window and a conveyor belt system that will then deliver your meal to your car.

Will it be efficient? Sure. Will it be a cost-saver for the company? Absolutely.


Big tech already has a substantial influence on just about every aspect of our lives.  In addition to automation, big tech methods have flooded our computers and social media with advertisement, marketing, and now monitor “speech” determining what is deemed acceptable and what must be censored.


My granddaughter is a member of her high school debate team which I fear is a futile exercise.  The increasingly open and free debate has become unacceptable by particular groups in the public square and is becoming a thing of the past. Her debate team will no doubt benefit from exercising her mental capacity by viewing issues from different perspectives, but she best not try expressing those opinions in real life. Having an opposing opinion on the wrong side of a political persuasion will be detrimental and won't be tolerated. The "speech police" are listening.


EVERYTHING has become political. Speech control will ultimately lead to thought control. And this control will/is permeating our education, political, and business institutions.


As real and tragic as Covid is, it has become sadly, a means of population control and speech control and is accelerating big tech's domination over human interaction. Communication freely expressed differences of opinion, has been part of what has made American enterprise so successful and we may be in danger of losing it.


I’ve witnessed firsthand speech and thought control and the effects on people in Eastern Europe and Russia which continues to paralyze every system with-in those countries at some level even today. It’s beginning to look the same in our country. Just observe for yourself as you walk through businesses, your Wal-Mart store, or down the streets of certain cities in the U.S.. It all reminds me of Pink Floyd’s video “Another Brick in the Wall”. I've seen those same faces on the streets of Moscow, and unfortunately, I’ve seen those faces in manufacturing firms and corporate offices throughout the U.S.


One of the questions we must ask is will artificial intelligence change what it means to be human? Have we lost the capacity to be curious about people? Have we abandoned the art/skill of listening for understanding? Have we cooped our lives to government restrictions on movement for social or business gatherings? Will there be no end to algorithms determining what to buy, who to love (see on-line dating sites), or who to hire through HR software? Will we continue to stop thinking but rather give our minds over to social media, university professors, cable news, government officials, and artificial intelligence to do it for us?


Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death observed.....

“Orwell warns that we will be overcome by externally imposed oppression. But Huxley’s vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity, and history. As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think”


So is it too late? Probably, but you and I can delay it some.


This is for the American business community. Keep in mind one important fact. America IS exceptional. It has always been exceptional from its beginning. It is still described as a great experiment because no other nation can fully duplicate what we’ve done. Nations still want to know how we built the largest economy in the world and are still looking to what we do next. Knowing that and fighting for that will help keep us from becoming  “one more brick in the wall” of groupthink through globalization.

The following are suggestions on how to do that..


1.     The overarching requirement for success is building relationships. It’s Relationships First, then success. I’ve been preaching this for 30 years and have shown people and institutions how to do it.

2.     Get back on the road and contact your customers! Search for new ones. Most of your competitors will be stuck behind their Zoom screen. People are starving for human interaction. No advanced technology can replace or have a greater impact than employees with customers.

3.  Maintain a vibrant means of getting opinions and suggestions for improvements from customers and employees. (and please, don’t use computerized survey’s) Go TALK to people!

4.     Voice your opinion in city hall meetings, the PTA, church, and let others do the same.

5.     Before embracing additional technology consider the cost.

For many years I've discussed with my clients COI (The Cost of Improvement) and EC (Error Cost or if you will, the cost of doing the wrong thing). Although most of our calculations dealt with financial considerations, there are some things that do not have an immediate monetary equation. Give consideration to what you will lose by purchasing the next artificial intelligence system i.e. will we lose the soul of our company, will we lose what it is to be human.

In future blog articles, I will expand the challenges and remedies necessary for abating the death of America.  


Don’t let yourself or your organization become just "Another Brick In The Wall”….. Rather, do your part to ensure that you and your institution.....

Finish Well