Tuesday, January 31, 2023

                          “If you want to change the world, you should teach.”

That was the advice Trey Gowdy (former US Congressman) gave to young men and women seeking his opinion concerning their political careers.
As I pondered his reasoning behind the statement, my mind went immediately to the miracle of teachers and teaching.
Tonight, as I write this, my brother who has his doctorate in Cultural Anthropology, is teaching in India. He has touched the lives of thousands of people around the world.
Although my professional label is consultant, next week I begin a
2-month trek of lecturing and teaching to businesses students and at business forums in Asia and Eastern Europe. It’s a task I’ve carried out for over 30 years and I’m still “jazzed” at the prospect of doing it again.
What is amazing is that my brother Richard and I finished at the bottom of our high school graduating class in a small rural southern town in the U.S. . The miracle is that God had a plan for our lives, which became the most unexpected calling either of us could imagine.
We teach different things, but our motive is much the same, to have a positive impact on the lives of those God puts in our pathway. To equip people to become successful on the life path they are on. To impart knowledge and provide empirical evidence through our own experiences.
Will we change the world?
Probably not, but we might have an influence on someone who will.
What a mind-blowing prospect that is!!
My thoughts then went to others I know who teach for the right reasons.
Keith and his wife in NYC.
RL who is not teacher in the traditional sense, but because of his financial resources is able to facilitate a process that allows others to do so, and though he has more money than most of the rest of us, he still takes the time to regularly and intentionally visit 1st graders in a poor public school system to teach the basics of Character Counts concepts.
John who has a specific niche in the Muslim world teaching on a unique platform.
Eric who is a young up and comer in the teaching and guiding profession in business settings.
Tim my pastor who is a gifted teacher and expositor of the Word.
One of my favorites is Aaron who teaches farmers in West Africa in a completely unique way to grow crops in that arid region of the world. More importantly he walks with them in this new process while pouring himself into their lives for their personal and professional growth and development.
And then of course it’s the mom and dads who are daily guiding their children personally and intentionally, refusing to hand their kids over to the woke agenda and social media influencers.
I talk a lot about effective leadership. So, do you want to be an effective leader who can change the world?
Be a teacher.
Lead someone.
Be an influencer.
Teach and intentionally mentor someone.
Can you think of greater thing than to have someone say of you once you’ve passed from this world,
“He/She, taught me, mentored me and it impacted my life.”
That my leadership friends is the way to…
Finish Well!

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