Wednesday, April 8, 2020

So, Think You're Free? In Control?

23 years ago things were going well in my life. I had begun my business several years prior and things were moving along nicely.  I was preparing to take another overseas business trip, this time to Pakistan, my bank account was growing and I felt I was beginning to make a difference as an international business consultant. I had life pretty well under control and I was free.

Then, I had a heart attack.

Suddenly, without warning, my life was at a standstill. My life seemed out of my control. I had never experienced a health issue of this magnitude and had no comprehension of what my future was going to look like should I survive. Sitting in the ER I was bewildered by my circumstances as I watched health professionals working fervently on my behalf to keep me alive. Lying helplessly on the gurney which they wheeled me into the room on, I was poked with needles, tubes inserted and wires strategically attached to my body. I do, however, have a vivid recall of two thoughts racing through my mind during this terrifying event which had invaded my body and was altering my life without my permission.

1.     There is nothing I can do to remedy this situation. No amount of positive thinking, money, influence, title or sheer personal will is going to keep me alive if this is my day to die.
2.     When I close my eyes as they transfer me to the operating room, the next time I open them I may be face to face with the creator of the universe. I ask myself "am I ready for that?" What would be my answer?

Fast forward April 2020. Today along with you, my life has been altered again by circumstances that are completely out of my control. Like you, I'm at a standstill. Our freedom to move around has been restricted, government officials instruct us on how close we can stand from each other, when (or if) they permit us to leave our homes, how many people we can meet with at any given time. Our economies are being shattered, people are without jobs, bank accounts and 401K's are decimated and we have no comprehension of what the future holds. At this point, we don't have a picture of when this will end and what life, finances or our business will look like should we survive. We grieve for those who have lost loved ones to this deadly virus and scared of death it's self as we consider our mortality. We do know one thing, life will never be the same again.

Generally, I'm a positive guy and do believe there are freedoms we still have, which you hear repeated day after day i.e. protect yourself, be kind to others and watch out for others, get some exercise, don't eat or drink too much, wash your hands cover your mouth blah, blah, blah blah. I do appreciate the encouraging words that tell us we'll come out of this stronger than ever. These are good and proper warnings, but I’ve learned not to hypnotize myself with Pollyannish platitudes. As I've mentioned in my recent blog articles, we are living during times that require serious reflections.

In our western culture, we have always been inspired by and have celebrated self-reliance and a "can do" attitude. This spirit of individualism is wonderful and there is nothing wrong with that mindset unless you let a good thing become the ultimate thing. During my sessions on personal behavior and leadership styles, I refer to the fact that "a strength overused becomes a weakness". Too often our self-programming can travel from self-improvement to self-centeredness and can morph into if you will, creating a self god.  I offer the following examples of the programming we are exposed to. Hear the pronouns that make my point.

> William Ernest Henley said in his poem Invictus (meaning unconquerable), “It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.” Being the captain of your soul is the ultimate goal in life.
> Thousands of little girls sing with passion along with Elsa in the movie Frozen, the refrain "Let it Go" which includes the line "No right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free!"
> Or, like Frank Sinatra who thumbed his nose and said: "I did it my way".
>Consider also the pious so-called religious leaders who make millions of dollars in book sales by telling us that the key to being successful, becoming wealthy and happy is all a product of your thinking. It's about you! Discover how wonderful YOU are!

To my shame and embarrassment, too often in my life, I have succumbed to those voices of the world and to their programming messages. Most people don't really think they are selfish or self-absorbed, but we are. In our private thoughts, we know we are, but unwilling to acknowledge it to our selves and certainly not to others.

 Just two years prior to my heart attack, I experienced a different life circumstances which left me totally and completely out of control. I discovered that just about everything I thought important such as family, friends, wealth, health, position, titles, pleasures, hobbies, religion were just "stuff"which could never fulfill me. I had made good things, ultimate things. I also discovered those objects vying for my attention (which at the time appeared so necessary) would at some point in my life leave me or disappoint me.

However, by the Grace of God my life was truly interrupted. I had been a marginal churchgoer and believed in this person called Jesus, but the fact is, I was an "unconverted believer". Now some skeptics reading this will say "Oh, he got religion". But I'm not talking religion. Organized religion was (is) often rituals, rules, and regulations.  What I got, was a person and with that person a different mind-set when He invaded my body. No longer was "me" the center of my desires, but Him.

"The Lord says: Let not the wise man bask in his wisdom, nor the mighty man in his might, nor the rich man in his riches. Let them boast in this alone: That they truly know me, and understand that I am the Lord of justice and righteousness whose Love is steadfast: and that I love to be this way."Jeremiah 9:23-24 Living Bible (TLB)

I understand this is a business blog. But as a leader and a business professional can I separate the core of who and what I am from my business life? C.S. Lewis said, “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” I've personally found this to be the case as now I see business, finances, family and yes COVID-19 through a different lens. As a famous guy said, "I once was blind but now I see".

I know some really good professionals, who are really nice people, but they are missing the mark. They sense that something isn't right.

So, as is my custom in these blog articles, let me offer a few suggestions for your consideration while you are isolated from your routine and you have some time to fill.

A)    Think..........This is what they call Holy week. What does that mean to you? What actually took place on Good Friday and why? What is the purpose of Easter Sunday? Little bunnies and eggs or something different? What relevance does Good Friday have on your life?

B)     What do you have in your life that if taken away, would almost destroy you? What is the most important thing to you in life?

C)    This is a great opportunity to read the book of John (yes the whole book) in the New Testament. As you read, consider the implication of those words to you personally. As you read, look for you in the chapters and then look at how God delivers good news in the midst of life circumstances.

So, let's end this little article where we began.

Do you have freedom?.....Yes! it's called Free Choice...Choose wisely

"What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?" Matthew 16:26 NIV

We will emerge from this pandemic someday..Soon I hope... and when we do I pray we all

Finish Well


  1. This was an encouraging message in the midst of the trials we are going through right now. Our hope is in the Lord.

    I shared your Blog on Facebook to encourage others.

  2. Bill,
    You helped me. You believed in me when I needed someone. I will always be grateful for that. Easter is a great time for rebirth.
