Monday, December 31, 2018

Seeking Wisdom In 2019

One of the great joys as a seasoned professional is the opportunity afforded me to speak with young people in schools/universities around the world. Actually, I get very excited with the prospect of influencing these young minds who will be running this world someday soon. Working with managers and so called leaders from older generations (30’s and up) can be quite frustrating because they have been jaded with years of corporate or political bureaucracy. That is not the case with young people, they haven’t been told they “can’t” yet or been schooled in the system.

 Our educational institutions have failed their students in basic understanding of economics and what I term as life skills knowledge. Sadly, many young people in the U.S. believe we should consider adopting the historically failed socialist economic system. I know this as fact because of the people I’ve met who are working in your companies. They are taught “task” function which is void of context. Subsequently organizations perpetuate this exhaustive problem with more education which is often divorced from the understanding of “why” we do what we do or the impact on financial considerations or connectivity to vision or objectives associated with the business.

Throughout modern history people have declared “greater education” as the antidote necessary for solving human ill in the world. They say crime in the inner cities can be averted with greater education opportunities for young people. The issues of poverty in places like Africa, Haiti, Honduras and other third world countries can be improved with greater knowledge and education. If that is true, then why is it that after millions of dollars poured into these issues education has yielded little to no impact for long lasting improvement?

If education was the key, why do thousands of people die each year from lung cancer when there has been so much education to the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes? Why are millions of babies aborted and countless sexually transmitted diseases occurring after extensive sex education programs?

Many factors contribute to the lack of progress in these and other areas, but throwing more money and education at the problems is a scape goat and a crutch.  

There is a missing link which I sincerely believe comes from the lack of wisdom.

Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of someone or something, such as facts, information, descriptions, or skills, which is acquired through experience or education.

Wisdom, is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight. Wisdom is associated with attributes such as compassion, experiential self-knowledge, and virtues such as ethics and benevolence.

Those are the formal dictionary definitions which we are familiar with. But where and how do you get wisdom? Do you gain it in a class room? Through a seminar on ethics or values? Just living life? Those activities might prove helpful, but the great leaders I know (and they are very few) have a wisdom that comes from a completely different source and consequently they have a view which is unique. Because of their wisdom, they possess a world view that is different and they have inherited a holistic view as a leader e.g. every aspect of their life is “sourced” differently.

Here is where I might lose some of you, but stay with me just a little longer. The unique quality of a wise leader is found not in what he might learn, but who he might learn it from and a specific word. That word is “fear!” That person, is the creator of the universe.  The word fear means to be afraid, but it also means to reverence, show honor, to respect.

"For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of he Holy One is understanding” Proverbs 9:10

In this politically correct world, people fear many things in their quest for acceptance and success. People fear criticism, the HR department, their boss, friends, family and co-workers. No longer do children fear the authority of their parents, parents fear their kids!  But few fear God. Think about that. Do you fear God and all that definition implies?

Most people do not even give God much thought at all and if they do, they view Him as kind of a benevolent Santa Claus, rewarding those who are nice, even those who are naughty if they will just try a little harder. Do you doubt me? We just passed the 2018 holiday of Christmas. How many of you reading this blog truly considered the impact of that event had on this world, history and what the birth of Christ was really all about? Do you just have an intellectual understanding of Christmas, or do you have the wisdom to realize the implications and consequences of that event that took place 2018 years ago and how it affects your life and the world today?  

 Inclusion is the catchword in today’s society, which dictates that you must not use your mind, but rather, go along with groupthink. You should fear what others might think of you if you challenge their values or behavior. Consequently, today, not only can you not question a persons sexual or gender depraved actions or identity, you must accept it. Here's a case example, look at persecution in the public square against Chick-fil-A trying to do business in Chicago and on university campuses.

I know so many good people who are smart, educated and gifted in many areas. It hurts me deeply that they stiff-arm (a football term) the source that will move them to a new level of knowledge application i.e. wisdom. God’s word says, “only a fool says in his heart there is no God.”

So here’s my recommendation for 2019 in your gaining the needed ingredient for our kids in school, parents raising these kids, politicians and aspiring holistic leaders.

Ø  Study the lives of individuals who feared God and applied His teaching to their personal growth and to the organizations they led. Here is a brief list.

1.     Read the works of Bob Buford, Peter Drucker and C.S. Lewis, businessmen, writers and educators who had extraordinary wisdom.
2.     S. Truett Cathy, Chick–fil-A – Read the book “It’s my pleasure”
3.     The Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby.
4.     Michael J. Lindell, founder of “My Pillow.”
5.     The Robertson family, “Duck Dynasty”

Ø  Read the book of Proverbs. There are 31 chapters. Read one chapter per day. In a month you will have acquired the insights for wisdom.
Ø  Ask for it!   “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”

C.S. Lewis said “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”

When I was 48, my life turned completely around when I began to seek true wisdom. I began to see everything more clearly and differently.

In 2019, join me in seeking that unique quality that eludes so many. 

I wish you a Happy and Wise New Year!

For me, I want to grow wiser as I get older and strive to Finish Well.

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