As we begin another year, many resolutions will be made and people will HOPE they will be able to accomplish those resolutions. HOPE is an interesting word depending on usage or content. Our English word of HOPE projects more of a sense of wishful thinking, i.e. "I hope it doesn't rain today." So, under that definition, let me say upfront, I HOPE for you and your organization the very best during the coming New Year!
However, I like the Greek word for HOPE (ElpĂzo) because it expresses a “confident or strong expectation”.
Dr. Tim Keller was helpful in my thinking process as I transitioned from"The Death of 2019" (my last blog post) to HOPE - 2020. He suggests that there are two components to HOPE "Desire" and "Expectation." He says we all have desires but most often people are confused with who, what or how those desires will be satisfied. In other words, where does our hope come from?

When his children were little, he began the day by asking two important questions of them.
Question #1 "What kind of day are we going to have kids?"(Desire) the answer, "it's going to be a great day". Question #2 "Who's going to make it that way?" answer (Expectation) "We are!"
As he tells the story, this was a daily event. This constant reminder set the course of the day for his children. Besides, it began their individual growth "thinking" to be positive and self-reliant.
In contrast, in today's "victim" society, or at the very least self-centered society, too many people, are looking somewhere else, something else or someone else to fill their HOPE i.e. the boss, government, spouse, a new love, money, title, status, etc. They are looking for satisfaction in "stuff". C.S. Lewis describes this magic thing for happiness sought by people as the "It" that evades us. The "It," even when acquired seldom satisfies.
In the pages of the book "The Real American Dream: The meditation of Hope" by professor Andrew Delbanco, he describes the evolution of the American cultural focus from God, to Nation to Self since the 18th century. The main HOPE that American culture holds out now, is you need to decide what will be a fulfilling life for YOU. What matters is not our nation, our people, not God, What matters is that you are happy and that you are making a difference. The latter part of the 20th and into the 21st century has become prominently "self" focused.
As leaders, we must understand and come to grips with this reality and recognize the problems, challenges and yes HOPE we have going into 2020. For over 30 years I've implemented and coached a planned "process" in organizations around the world to prepare them by engaging all stakeholders. It was a methodology that served the business well in the past but may have more relevance today.
> People must feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves and be assured they're not just going through the motions to a meaningless end. Leaders, I implore you, cast a vision, describe the "purpose". Give people a reason to get up every morning and enthusiastically do what they do.
> Show them (don't just tell them) that they are making a difference because of the uniqueness provided by the individual contribution to the whole.
> Restore the hope in them that as a valuable member of the team the overall goal or cause can not be successful without their involvement and commitment to the process.
> Share the rewards i.e. money, recognition, growth opportunities, etc.
>Give away the credit for success to others. Be a hero maker.
> Educate them. And I don't mean training programs. Provide information about customers, financial acumen, civic lessons, entrepreneurial principles, etc. Make them partners in the business.
> BE REAL and HONEST in your communication and actions which will instill HOPE in those under your charge.
For me personally and professionally, the HOPE for 2020, is not Methodology but an understanding of Theology. As the apostle, Paul said, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 (emphasis added) This is a strong expectation!
Because I understand the role and qualification for true leadership, and, I understand where strong expectation comes from, my HOPE for you is that you will experience that same truth in 2020 as we all strive to
Happy New Year!!!
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