Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Death Of 2019

Definition of death: a permanent cessation of all vital functions:

Whatever you think of this year that’s about to pass it’s almost over. You may have experienced great joy, happiness, victories personally and professionally. On the other hand, because of disappointments, failures, unfortunate circumstances 2019 can’t end soon enough. But regardless of which end of the spectrum you’re on, 2019 is about to die.

At the outset, you may be thinking this is going to be a dark read. But it won’t. Be patient. Stay with me this is an honest look at the past that will propel us into the future days of 2020.

In the definition written above the key word is “permanent”. In life you don't get do-overs, or re-dues regardless of how grand it was or how terribly painful 2019 might have been, it’s gone forever.

Psychologist identify the 3 greatest sources of stress or anxiety

1.    Divorce
2.    Death of a loved one
3.    Loss of a job

What do all three of these have in common?

 A loss of a relationship(s).

 For some it may also include the loss of “identity.” With these losses there is an absence of what once existed as good but is now dead. During 2019 I have known people who have been deeply hurt because they experienced one of the top three listed. A man who cherished the love of his life experiences great loss through death.  A divorced woman suffers the death of a relationship once so sweet and promising.  Persons who were so connected and committed to their work stood helpless as they were told they weren’t wanted anymore. It’s over!

In contrast there are some who found 2019 the best ever. New job, greater personal wealth, a new or strengthened relationship personally and/or professionally. I’ve watched some exciting events unfold in the lives of friends, family and associates. I’ve read of people who have “made it” to the top in sports, financially, physically and spiritually. But these great moments in 2019 will also die at midnight December 31, 2019.

 Be it a good or bad 2019 you may experience some carry over into the New Year and possibly beyond. But how should we view going forward by what was left behind?

Ø Nothing last forever. I believe that in my own life, God has allowed enough victories to keep me encouraged, and enough defeats to keep me humble. He wants me to depend on Him in every category of my life.

Ø Savor the sweet fragrance of the good memories, let go of those cancerous thoughts that will damage the soul or relationships.

  >  Be thankful in all things and adjust going forward. 

Ø In all your defeats and victories, review the actions, words, circumstances, people to determine who or what to continue or avoid in your life.

Ø  Live Today and Finish Well
“Today, I will live today.
Yesterday is past.
Tomorrow is not yet.
I’m left with today.

So, today, I will live today.
Relive yesterday? No.
I will learn from it.
I will seek mercy for it.
I will take joy in it.
But I won’t live in it.

The sun has set on yesterday.
The sun has yet to rise on tomorrow.
Worry about the future? To what gain?
It deserves a glance, nothing more.
I can’t change tomorrow until tomorrow.

Today I will live today.
I will face today’s challenges with today’s strength.
I will dance today’s waltz with today’s music.
I will celebrate today’s opportunities with today’s hope.

May I laugh, listen, learn, and love today.
And, tomorrow, if it comes, may I do so again.”

Max Lucado

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