Business Leaders
globally and society, in general, would benefit greatly by heeding this advice.
As the old saying goes, "opinions are like certain parts of your body,
everyone has one."
Along with the
headline quote by Dennis Prager, the underlying suggestions is that truth
doesn't appear to matter much anymore and has been replaced with loud opinion
which has overtaken rational thinking. Just because you've heard it on Foxnews,
Skynews, CNN, or read it on Facebook, does not constitute truth. For the most
part, hacks on cable outlets and social media, are speaking opinions perpetrated
by political agendas. This is evident in a variety of subjects e.g. COVID-19,
BLM, police reform, re-opening the economy, returning to school etc.
It has become routine
to utter partial truths or be disingenuous with partial truth while spouting
opinions and trying to disguise it as truth. As a reminder, "partial
truths", still constitute a lie. In the court of law in America as a
witness is preparing to testify he/she raises their right hand and
proclaims "I Solemnly swear, to tell the truth, the whole truth,
nothing but the truth, so help me God." Should it be found that the
testifying witness did not tell the truth, they could be convicted of perjury
and go to jail.
Gossip was once
considered an ugly and distasteful form of communication, both in and out of
the work environment. Today, it's been replaced with uninformed babble with a
touch of outrage and threatening or accusatory language. For example, if you
happen to believe that all lives matter, you're a racist. If you believe we
should protect the environment, you're a wacko leftist. Both subjects have
substantial room for conversation, fact-finding, dialogue, and healthy debate
but we never seem to get to that level of communication. People would rather
scream at each other or worse, remain silent in an effort to not offend.
The result is, we
have become intellectual pygmies, not willing to find or defend truth or listen
to other points of view.
There is a desperate
need for truth, facts, and authoritative back up to support emotional claims.
We've all heard there are two things you should never talk about,
Politics or Religion. Why? Because most of the time those subjects are littered
with emotional opinions which causes arguments, hard feelings, and even broken
relationships. I will use one of the two 'never talk about" subjects to
make my point.
The other day a
person wanted to express to me his opinion on what happens after a person dies.
The subject of religion ensued and this person made a few well-used statements.
"I believe there are many different ways to heaven after a person dies.
Not just one way" or "The Bible is written by a bunch of men and is
full of contradiction". When responding with sincere curiosity and inquiry
I asked "what is the source or authority you use for saying that?" This
person (like many) replied, 'Well, that's just the way I feel". Those
types of answers are based on uninformed opinion and are typical when people
are trying to make a case for politics, religion, climate change, or a host of
other subjects where "that's the way I feel" is somehow a get out of
jail free card that excuses the person from offering intellectual facts. We
have become a brain dead society.
The definition of
TRUTH: "that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality"
For many years now, I
have propounded to business leaders that they "educate" not just
train their employees. Primarily because our institutional education systems
have failed us, and parents are woefully ignorant on matters most important for
living and human flourishing.
We have generations
coming up who will be responsible for every aspect of society, and they
themselves do not understand
> Different economic
systems. The pros and cons of each
> Basic financial
management principles
> Moral or ethical
standards and where they originate
> History
> Civic law and
civic responsibility
> Religion..Their origin and individual claims
> Consequences for
actions taken by individuals and/or organizations
So why should
business leaders take on this role of educating what people should already
know, but don't? Because no one else has the platform you have to educate
people about issues affecting the real world. Your employees should be schooled
in these subjects to prepare them to make informed decisions to guide your
organization in the future.
I'm familiar with
organizations that schedule communication meetings at least quarterly with
employees to inform them of the status of the organization and give product/
service knowledge. But these organizations need to expand those meeting agendas
to discuss some of the above-mentioned topics along with current events and the
impact those events might have on your organization.
My counsel to
managers over the years on communicating is simple.
1. Tell it all
2. Tell it your self
3. Tell it now
We truly are in
danger of losing the foundation of the greatest human experiment in history,
the U.S.A.
Why? Because we have
strayed away from Truth.
Set the ground
rules in your information meetings for presenters and attendees which includes a) all opinions are welcome, b) they should be backed up with "fact".
First, tell the
Truth, then give your opinion so that as an organization and country we
Finish Well
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