Tuesday, December 26, 2023

In 2024 Will You Take a Musk Approach To Your New Year Resolutions?

Yes, it’s that time of year again when gym membership reaches the highest enrollment level of the year, where patches are placed on arms to stop smokers from lightning up and new spread sheets are established to finally conquer our household budgets.

According to Psychology Today in 2021 2 in 5 Americans made resolutions but much less than half even kept track of their progress or have a means of holding themselves -accountable.
Unless you’re just a total dead beat, you do think about how to make improvements in your life in some way. That’s a good thing! However just like some businesses with whom I work, their efforts are futile because the goals, drives or approaches are disjointed, confusing and over time, discouraging for themselves and others.
So, is there a better way? I think so and it has two primary focus.
1) looking back
2) determine the purpose for improvement going forward.
> First look back ….before making a declaration of the new you or turning over a new leaf.
In this first step analyze the cause.
Elon Musk is without question a “case study” in many areas of life and business. Walter Isaacson who wrote the biography on Musk recounted in an interview that every year around Christmas time when Elon’s and his brother’s families get together, they have a time to talk about their “regrets” of the past year. What were those actions, decisions, or words which they might plead for a “do-over”?
Paul Bear Brayant once said, “you can learn more from wining, but you’d be wise to study the causes for loss, you can learn a lot there too.” (paraphrased)
So, in 2023 what were the trigger(s) that caused the habit of over-eating?
What were the circumstances that drove you to use the credit cards to excess and acquire suffering debt?
Did you neglect proper marketing research before launching that new product line?
You get my drift, looking back for a better future is more than just saying “I need to do better”.
>Second Looking Forward.. What it the Purpose for change?
For many (individuals and organizations), change is “more of the same, just better”. But change requires thinking and behaving differently. Real change sometimes requires radical discipline. A never-ending pursuit to achieve the desired improvement.
In his mid-forties, Bob Buford, author of the book “Half-Time” determined that he wanted his life, business, and relationships to count for more than money, stuff, and the routine.
It’s reported that Buford said, “I wanted to go from success to significance, from making money to making a difference.”

With that he imagined what he wanted to be in his industry, what he wanted to be to his family, to his employees, to his community and to his God. After establishing the Purpose, he then began the strategy to make that happen in each area of his life.
During my mid-forties, I honestly and humbly evaluated my life and began to seek purpose for it.
As I’ve said during many of my lectures to business leaders and students “I don’t believe God put you on this earth to suck up air for 80 years and then die. You have a purpose, and your job is to seek it out”

As I flew across the Atlantic heading home from a business assignment I wrote (on an airplane napkin(s), a “Purpose Statement” for my life, for my business, and for my marriage.
Each statement was followed by key points of intentionality and strategies. As life circumstances developed, some strategies required adjustments or elimination, but the “Core” for each has never changed.
So, in 2024 I will look back and determine in what area’s I regret. But I will not dwell on it nor beat myself up.
Like the Apostle Paul said in part “Forgetting what’s behind…I Press On for the prize set before me…”
Then I’ll establish new or different strategies that will get me back in line with my Purpose.
I’m not the brightest guy but I know too many people who “sleepwalk” through life.
I don’t want to be one of those guys.

All of this can only be done with God’s help as I strive to
“Finish Well”
Happy New Year!

Friday, December 22, 2023

What does an International Management Consultant and a Stable Hand have in common?



Since my home and office are located in the Ozark mountains, I spend a lot of time living in my head. Surround by God’s creation and beauty, the seclusion and solitude afford me the opportunities for reflection on a lot of things. The follow is just one example i.e., thinking about the role of work, and what it means to be an employee.

Having served (and presently serving) in both occupations, I’ve had an opportunity to consider the question posted above at an up-close and personal level.

> At a very fundamental level it’s to provide a needed 

> To exchange effort and or knowledge for agreed upon compensation.

> To meet the customer(s) requirement or expectation

> To use God given gifts and abilities, mental or physical the best of our ability to accomplish those goals.

> Work done well brings a sense of personal accomplishment as we put our God-given talents and abilities to use. When our work helps others, it becomes a way to serve them.

                                               Additionally, for me…

> As a follower of Jesus Christ, to be “salt and light” wherever I’m planted

> To be a good example to my grandkids and/or others who may be watching

As a leader, both at home and in the workplace, I believe it critical to go back and cover the basics and remind ourselves and others the purpose, motivation, and the necessity of WORK.

Why? Because we live in a world where the value of work has diminished, especially in the U.S. and other developed countries. For so many in the workforce today it’s about “me” and what “I’ can get. Seems as though we now live in a world of a “you owe me “mentality, that capitalism is evil, and the government should do more to make my life easier.

For me, I intend to live out my “purpose statements” for life and work which you can read at many places in this blog site as I stive to "Finish Well." 

In the meantime, enjoy your work today. We are blessed to have another day, so make the most of it!

3mo • Edited Since I live alone in the Ozark mountains, I spend a lot of time living in my head. Surround by God’s creation and beauty, the seclusion and solitude afford me the opportunities for reflection on a lot of things.The following is just one of them i.e., thinking about the role of work, and what it means to be an employeeHaving served (and presently serving) in both occupations, I’ve had an opportunity to consider the question posted above at an up-close and personal level.