Thursday, February 4, 2021

What Will Kill America? Perspective

  I recently read a story of a clever English professor who wanted to teach her students the power of perspective.

 She walked into the class and wrote on the board: 




 She picked two volunteers from the class, one man and one woman. She brought them to the front of the room, handed each of them a marker, and asked them to provide the appropriate punctuation for the sentence she had written. The young man went first. He didn't pause at all as he walked up and made three quick marks making the sentence read:




 He stepped back smiling, confident he had aced the assignment. Now it was the young woman's turn. She approached the board shaking her head, and without hesitation she erased two of the guys marks and replaced them with the following.




 The lesson, of course, is that two people can look at the same thing, but see two very different interpretations. It' all about our perspective: a simple change of perspective can fundamentally change our whole lives and indeed, our country.


So it is, in my opinion, one of the major killers of America which comes from with-in, from those so-called progressive thinkers, those who want us to believe they are the enlightened ones with their different view points. We have lost perspective on what made this country great from its inception.                                          

                                     ( There are two women in this image )


·                                   Perspective = Who are we? 


No longer are our children taught the true and complete history of our country. Instead, they are told the mistakes of our past. We live in the midst of a "cancel-culture" that's stupid in its intent and dangerous in its approach.


 In our personal lives, there is no such thing as "do-overs".  In the area of  finance, health, love, and relationships if you make terrible decisions you learn from those mistakes. Most likely you'll continue to live with some regret and consequences of the pain and hurt associated with your past behavior, but you can't erase it. It's still there. 


 Tearing down statues and eliminating words or phrases does nothing but make spoiled harmful anarchists feel like they've achieved something. We have lost perspective on who we are and what it means to be American. “I pledge allegiance……..” is being destroyed in our modern society.

·                          Perspective = Economic and Financial understanding  

Buchanan said many years ago “We will soon become a 3rd world country if we continue to import poverty and export our good paying jobs overseas.” Witness the thousands of poor people who flood our southern boarder with little to offer to grow America and at the same time skilled jobs moving abroad. Couple that, with technology replacing jobs and what do we have left?


 We live in a borrowers world. The TV commercial that asks, "What's in your wallet?" suggests you may not have the right credit card. We now have two generations of financial pygmies going on three. Our legislators perpetuate the old credit card theme "take the waiting out of wanting" while raising our national debt to a point we will soon become Greece.

 There appears no end in sight to the printing of money and spending what we don't have. Proverbs 22:7 says “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is a slave to the lender.” China has no need to kill America with guns; they will do it with our debt to them.


 We are a country and an economy built on free-market capitalism. Profit is not a dirty word but rather the engine for raising the standard of living that is still the envy of the world. Government consumes wealth, it does not create it.

 Therefore those who long for greater social programs are nothing more than dreamers and freeloaders. You can't borrow your way to prosperity. There WILL be payback at some point in the future, and it will crush our economy and way of life.


                            Perspective = Moral Compass

With all that's already been described it is no small thing to identify how we have come to be confused with gender and sex roles, driven a wedge between races and ethnicity, and departed from all our founders considered to be scared and most important. All other issues pale to this one truth. 


God has given us clear instructions on how to live but we have become a nation of humanists, agnostics, and atheists. We have gone from "God Bless America" and "In God, we trust" to as President Obama's pastor who said "God Damn America." 


We have become to believe that life is all about us. We have lost perspective. The only perspective that matters is that of the creator of the universe the One that allows kingdoms and nations to rise and fall in accordance to His will, His honor and His glory.


We have been warned. 


"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." Galatians 6:7


This is not a religion or political game. I know many will scoff at this last point, but all else hinges on this one pivotal area in the life of America.


"It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Hebrews 10:31


I fervently pray for our country as we strive to……

Finish Well