For those who have received an email or letter from me or read an article I've published in the past 25 years, you've seen this salutation appearing at the close of each writing.... "Press On"
I confess that this was not original with me. I actually pinched this thought from a friend of mine who ended his email with the same phase. I don't know his motivation for using this salutation or what he was thinking about, but I know mine (I'll share that with you shortly).
I also don't know how my readers interpreted the phrase as they read it. I would be interested to hear from those who would like to share what they were thinking, if anything, about that closing phrase.
There is an idiom used by coaches of American football in which they exhort their players to "strain through the play". The idea is to push through their assignment regardless of the resistance of the opposition, how exhausted they might be or the difficulty of the circumstances they face.
The encouragement to "strain through" or to "Press On" could not be more appropriate for 2020.
It has been said, “How frail is humanity! How short is life, how full of trouble!" We've certainly seen that in 2020!
Covid-19, the election results, the prospects of more governmental intrusion,
higher taxes, health concern for your-self or someone you care about, finical
difficulties affecting you personally or your business, broken or lost
relationships, being shut in or shut out of normal life experiences, total
change in what you considered "normal"...... All are depressing and
daunting battles we all might face.
So, how do you "Press On" in times like this? Just hearing from some guy on the other side of a blog post admonishing you to "pull up your bootstraps" or "stay positive" is not much help. However, there are some key principles and practices, which I believe, are helpful to consider and is the bases for my initial exhortation to Press On, which I used to end my writings.
This is not an exhaustive list for sure rather it is selective. These suggested principles have aided me personally during the most challenging and difficult season of my life these past 2 years.
Ø Know who you are i.e. what is your identity? At the core, who are you?
Here are some questions to answer in that process.
Who is really in charge?What's your conviction about life and death?
What determines your happiness?
Where does your hope for the future rest?
What is wealth and prosperity to you and how do you acquire it?
What is your responsibility to others?
How do you cope with troubles in life?
What is so important to you that if you lost it, would be a devastating blow to you and your life?
Ø Understand and Practice proper techniques consistently....
Practice does not make perfect. Perfect Practice makes Perfect.
Therefore devote your self to study, discovery and discipline regardless of the subject. Leadership, Financial acumen, physical fitness, spiritual renewal etc.
Growth does not just happen because you wish it. It takes concentrated effort.
Ø Don’t beat yourself about past failures or get a big head about your success yesterday... There are no "re-do's" in life or actions of the past and there is no promise of tomorrow. But, there is hope for today.
This bit of history of the past has relevance for today.
The Apostle Paul used the phase " Press On" while teaching others in the city of Philippi. Before he was the famous Paul he was very influential in his time under the name of Saul.
Saul committed many terrible acts toward those who claimed to be Christians. He, like other mortal men made some horrendous mistakes in his life. Then he encountered God first hand and as a result of his conversion answered the question I posed above. Additionally he began to practice a new way of thinking and living.
After many years of these applied disciplines he made this profound declaration showing humility and resolve as he helped others learn how to live...."Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect...but one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Like Paul, I've fallen and failed in almost every aspect of my life. Being honest, I'm embarrassed and grieved about my shortcomings because of the pain, shame and disappointment my actions have caused.
But failure does not need to be fatal. There is nothing I can do about my past failures or even my success's. Today, like Paul, I'm resolved (with God's help) to forget what's behind me and "Press On" to the life that's been promised to me.
You can too, but it will require a change of thinking and behaving. Parenthetically, that has been the sub-title of my "Change Management" strategy for organizations over the past 30 years.
The Thanksgiving holiday in the US is completed, Christmas is ahead of us and then...2021. No doubt we all will face new challenges and new opportunities in the days to come. How will you handle it?
For me, at this stage of life, not only will I Press On, I will strain through this thing called life by revisiting the principles and practices described.... because I truly desire to....
Finish Well