Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year!!

First, let me thank the many readers from my last blog for the encouragement sent to me by email. I know other readers would benefit from your comments and opinions if you would share your thoughts on the blog site. 

As mentioned before, my purpose for writing  "The Journey...Finishing Well" includes: 

> Sharing insights and lessons learned (good and bad) from an older business professional like my self for the benefit of those still fighting or enjoying the process of daily life.

> To enlarge not only my territory but to challenge you to expand yours as well.

Therefore, I thought it only fitting that I begin the New Year by giving you a taste of and a "quick hit" on areas you can begin to act on now to expand your territory. This is not an exhaustive list, but the top 5 for me. These could have personal implications as well as implications for your organization. I will expand on some of these issues in greater detail in future blog posts.

1. Expand Your Understanding Of WHO You Are

What are your gifts and talents? What is your dominating behavior and temperament? What kind of work do you like to do and what type of people do you like working with? What are your goals, what is your Purpose?  What is your Character?
In my next blog I'll talk more about this under the heading of "Cut-Flower Ethics." 

Someone once suggested that each year we should take a "personal retreat" i.e. get away from the phone, computer and the hassles of daily life to review the past year and determine what the next year might look like. Consider filling in the blank to these questions and then follow up with action plans:

> What do I want to be to my family?
> What do I want to be in my community?
> What do I want to be in my industry or organization?
> What do I want to be with my Creator?
> Where do I want to be financially next year? 
In addition, are there any other items you want to consider for the coming year? Not just New Year resolutions, but realistic improvement items with strategic determination. 

2. Expand Your Knowledge Of The WORLD.
On my trip last week to Tokyo, I was reminded again about how consumed with "US" we are in America. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of our country and an America fist guy. But because of this obsession with "self" there are  opportunities we miss. Lost opportunities both personally and professionally. 

3. Expand Your Giving.
I'll talk about this more later. But the greatest growth period in my life came when I understood "Creative Giving." Not out of reluctance or compulsion but cheerfully! It continues to have a profound impact on my life.

4. Expand Your Wealth Knowledge.
Several years ago I wrote an article about financial morons! People I know who have an abundance of education, but are more than a little deficient in their holistic wealth and economic understanding. Again, in days to come, I'll share some tips that will help some of you get on the right track in your organization and personally  if you so desire to make improvement. 

5. Expand Your "Work Life Balance" Strategy
Work life balance is more than dividing your time for work, family and health. These are all important considerations, however, I've found it's much deeper than that.
There are 3 questions each person ponders at some point in their life.

A)  How did I get here? Did I arrive on earth strictly by "chance" or was I specifically designated for this time and place in world history?
B)  Why am I here? Is life about sucking up air, doing stuff for 80 years and then just die? Or do I have a purpose for being here at this time and place in history?
C)  What happens after I die? Am I recycled, go into oblivion, go to another place? What? There are several opinions by a lot of different people...but they can't all be right.

 Blaise Pascal, the French philosopher said...“Being unable to cure death, wretchedness and ignorance, men have decided, in order to be happy, not to think about such things.” 

So, many people have bought into the mindless and silly notion of  "don't worry, be happy" and consequently they are simply sleepwalking thru life hoping everything will be ok in the end. It doesn't need to be that way.

Coming to grips with these 5 areas will not only help you in 2018, but it will also help you to........
"Finish Well"

Sunday, December 17, 2017


This is a new blog site for a new "season" of life for me.

I'm very grateful for the years God has allowed me to work. Some work I loved, others I disliked a great deal, but they all taught me a little about myself, my skills and interests.  I've been blessed with good health and an abundance of opportunities.

My early work life included milking cows, hauling hay, working in the fields on the family farm. Then as a young man I worked in warehouse shipping companies and as a backhoe operator laying pipeline along with general contractor work.

My professional life was a process...sometimes painful... through Personnel Management (HR), Corporate Trainer and TQM administration. Fed up with corporate politics, in my mid 40's I struck out on my own as a entrepreneur with dreams of building a large and famous consulting firm. Extension Management Inc. However, because I was not very good at marketing myself, I was neither famous nor big. 

After 25+ years engaged in organizational and professional development work, I've built  a good paying consulting job and found a niche market that gave me tons of wonderful experiences and professional relationships. My work has carried me to at least 27 countries around the world partnering with manufacturing, educational, government and NGO's. 

Now, at 71, I strike out again to allow God to re-invent, re-shape and re-direct my life.With today's medical technology and the grace of God I could live another productive 25 years. So... am I going to sit back and do nothing? No way!!  I've already begun embarking on projects in the U.S. and around the world in a familiar but still new capacity. I've only been retired for 4 weeks, but I can already sense the same excitement, frustration, anticipation, small victories and defeats as I did long ago.

What is the purpose of this blog? To talk about my self? No! 
The purpose of this blog is to:

1. To share with others what the last chapters of this book of life might look like. How to (as Bob Buford says) Finish Well.

2. To share insights and lessons learned (good and bad) from an older business professional for those still fighting or enjoying the process of daily life.

3. To enlarge not only my territory but to challenge you to expand yours as well.

4. To share opportunities with you so that hopefully you may want to partner with me at some level in the future.

Solomon said "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity ..." He also encouraged us by saying "...Enjoy life...." along with this sobering but true reminder.."Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom."

Join me in this blog journey with your insights, suggestions and comments. This thing called life is not a dress rehearsal. This is all we get!
Let's Finish well!