Tuesday, December 26, 2023

In 2024 Will You Take a Musk Approach To Your New Year Resolutions?

Yes, it’s that time of year again when gym membership reaches the highest enrollment level of the year, where patches are placed on arms to stop smokers from lightning up and new spread sheets are established to finally conquer our household budgets.

According to Psychology Today in 2021 2 in 5 Americans made resolutions but much less than half even kept track of their progress or have a means of holding themselves -accountable.
Unless you’re just a total dead beat, you do think about how to make improvements in your life in some way. That’s a good thing! However just like some businesses with whom I work, their efforts are futile because the goals, drives or approaches are disjointed, confusing and over time, discouraging for themselves and others.
So, is there a better way? I think so and it has two primary focus.
1) looking back
2) determine the purpose for improvement going forward.
> First look back ….before making a declaration of the new you or turning over a new leaf.
In this first step analyze the cause.
Elon Musk is without question a “case study” in many areas of life and business. Walter Isaacson who wrote the biography on Musk recounted in an interview that every year around Christmas time when Elon’s and his brother’s families get together, they have a time to talk about their “regrets” of the past year. What were those actions, decisions, or words which they might plead for a “do-over”?
Paul Bear Brayant once said, “you can learn more from wining, but you’d be wise to study the causes for loss, you can learn a lot there too.” (paraphrased)
So, in 2023 what were the trigger(s) that caused the habit of over-eating?
What were the circumstances that drove you to use the credit cards to excess and acquire suffering debt?
Did you neglect proper marketing research before launching that new product line?
You get my drift, looking back for a better future is more than just saying “I need to do better”.
>Second Looking Forward.. What it the Purpose for change?
For many (individuals and organizations), change is “more of the same, just better”. But change requires thinking and behaving differently. Real change sometimes requires radical discipline. A never-ending pursuit to achieve the desired improvement.
In his mid-forties, Bob Buford, author of the book “Half-Time” determined that he wanted his life, business, and relationships to count for more than money, stuff, and the routine.
It’s reported that Buford said, “I wanted to go from success to significance, from making money to making a difference.”

With that he imagined what he wanted to be in his industry, what he wanted to be to his family, to his employees, to his community and to his God. After establishing the Purpose, he then began the strategy to make that happen in each area of his life.
During my mid-forties, I honestly and humbly evaluated my life and began to seek purpose for it.
As I’ve said during many of my lectures to business leaders and students “I don’t believe God put you on this earth to suck up air for 80 years and then die. You have a purpose, and your job is to seek it out”

As I flew across the Atlantic heading home from a business assignment I wrote (on an airplane napkin(s), a “Purpose Statement” for my life, for my business, and for my marriage.
Each statement was followed by key points of intentionality and strategies. As life circumstances developed, some strategies required adjustments or elimination, but the “Core” for each has never changed.
So, in 2024 I will look back and determine in what area’s I regret. But I will not dwell on it nor beat myself up.
Like the Apostle Paul said in part “Forgetting what’s behind…I Press On for the prize set before me…”
Then I’ll establish new or different strategies that will get me back in line with my Purpose.
I’m not the brightest guy but I know too many people who “sleepwalk” through life.
I don’t want to be one of those guys.

All of this can only be done with God’s help as I strive to
“Finish Well”
Happy New Year!

Friday, December 22, 2023

What does an International Management Consultant and a Stable Hand have in common?



Since my home and office are located in the Ozark mountains, I spend a lot of time living in my head. Surround by God’s creation and beauty, the seclusion and solitude afford me the opportunities for reflection on a lot of things. The follow is just one example i.e., thinking about the role of work, and what it means to be an employee.

Having served (and presently serving) in both occupations, I’ve had an opportunity to consider the question posted above at an up-close and personal level.

> At a very fundamental level it’s to provide a needed 

> To exchange effort and or knowledge for agreed upon compensation.

> To meet the customer(s) requirement or expectation

> To use God given gifts and abilities, mental or physical the best of our ability to accomplish those goals.

> Work done well brings a sense of personal accomplishment as we put our God-given talents and abilities to use. When our work helps others, it becomes a way to serve them.

                                               Additionally, for me…

> As a follower of Jesus Christ, to be “salt and light” wherever I’m planted

> To be a good example to my grandkids and/or others who may be watching

As a leader, both at home and in the workplace, I believe it critical to go back and cover the basics and remind ourselves and others the purpose, motivation, and the necessity of WORK.

Why? Because we live in a world where the value of work has diminished, especially in the U.S. and other developed countries. For so many in the workforce today it’s about “me” and what “I’ can get. Seems as though we now live in a world of a “you owe me “mentality, that capitalism is evil, and the government should do more to make my life easier.

For me, I intend to live out my “purpose statements” for life and work which you can read at many places in this blog site as I stive to "Finish Well." 

In the meantime, enjoy your work today. We are blessed to have another day, so make the most of it!

3mo • Edited Since I live alone in the Ozark mountains, I spend a lot of time living in my head. Surround by God’s creation and beauty, the seclusion and solitude afford me the opportunities for reflection on a lot of things.The following is just one of them i.e., thinking about the role of work, and what it means to be an employeeHaving served (and presently serving) in both occupations, I’ve had an opportunity to consider the question posted above at an up-close and personal level.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Prisoners, Visitors and Learners


For the past 4- and one-half weeks I’ve been on a world tour, teaching and lecturing at business forums, universities, and high schools to literally hundreds of people of different ages, cultures, and interests.

I can’t think of a more rewarding endeavor than to capture the imagination and attention of an audience and to have a positive impact on the lives of people. What a thrill it is to see in the “faces” of those in front of me and to receive their feedback through non-verbal communication the affirmation that “they get it” and are intrigued, encouraged, inspired to take (at some level) action or behavior change.

At the same time, I can’t imagine anything more frustrating, discouraging, or disappointing than to witness a level of apathy that some in the audience bring with them into the lecture venue. Given my same level of effort and commitment to deliver, the reception by some boarders at best a sense of disinterest and at worst contempt.

In the past I’ve labeled audience members into three categories.

A.    Prisoners …. Those attendees who were forced to attend e.g. students by their teachers or parents, employees by their employer or boss etc. They will put in “their time” of incarceration in the auditorium but,” just try and teach me something. It will not happen because I’m an unwilling prisoner.”

B.    Visitors – This group is generally kind, fun and willing to “be present”. After all, “what else have I got to do and I’ll have the opportunity to hangout with others.” Not much intentionality to think or behave differently, but a willingness to go along to get along.

C.    Learners – These are the ones who enter the environment with the expectation to learn something and at least consider the topic worth the exchange of their personal time in attendance. They enter the room with a sense of willingness to discover and grow personally or professionally.

This past several weeks has reminded me that I can’t reach them all and that the different levels of response by participants may or may not be personal, cultural bias, behavioral tendencies, or any number of reasons that have nothing to do with me.

 An honest subjective evaluation on my part of the total audiences I’ve been privileged to address would break down in 10% prisoners, 40% visitors and 50% learners. My hope is I moved some from the visitor’s column to learners.

For those who have the awesome responsibility to teach, preach, lecture, here are a few reminders to share with you as I remind myself each time I stand before a group.

1.    It’s MY responsibility to capture the audience. It is their time they’re granting to me and I should honor that by establishing the “So what?” Why should I (as an attendee) care about the subject matter.” My job is not to entertain. For some that might be the motive or task, but not for me. My job is to provide some relevance to the lives of people.

2.    Just regurgitating information is not only boring, at its core useless. The brain gathers information and then senses, imagines, feels, thinks, and then behaves. It’s the behaving part that we as instructors must guide our audiences to answer the question “Now What?”  Practical application will cause people to say, “that was worthwhile because I have an idea how to proceed with this knowledge.

3.    As a follower of “The Way”, I am reminded that

 “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ” Colossians 3:23-24


I’m most grateful for the opportunity to do what I do..Seeing the positive reactions of many is rewarding and humbling, but more importantly I’m dedicated to an audience “of one” as I strive to..

Finish Well 

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

                          “If you want to change the world, you should teach.”

That was the advice Trey Gowdy (former US Congressman) gave to young men and women seeking his opinion concerning their political careers.
As I pondered his reasoning behind the statement, my mind went immediately to the miracle of teachers and teaching.
Tonight, as I write this, my brother who has his doctorate in Cultural Anthropology, is teaching in India. He has touched the lives of thousands of people around the world.
Although my professional label is consultant, next week I begin a
2-month trek of lecturing and teaching to businesses students and at business forums in Asia and Eastern Europe. It’s a task I’ve carried out for over 30 years and I’m still “jazzed” at the prospect of doing it again.
What is amazing is that my brother Richard and I finished at the bottom of our high school graduating class in a small rural southern town in the U.S. . The miracle is that God had a plan for our lives, which became the most unexpected calling either of us could imagine.
We teach different things, but our motive is much the same, to have a positive impact on the lives of those God puts in our pathway. To equip people to become successful on the life path they are on. To impart knowledge and provide empirical evidence through our own experiences.
Will we change the world?
Probably not, but we might have an influence on someone who will.
What a mind-blowing prospect that is!!
My thoughts then went to others I know who teach for the right reasons.
Keith and his wife in NYC.
RL who is not teacher in the traditional sense, but because of his financial resources is able to facilitate a process that allows others to do so, and though he has more money than most of the rest of us, he still takes the time to regularly and intentionally visit 1st graders in a poor public school system to teach the basics of Character Counts concepts.
John who has a specific niche in the Muslim world teaching on a unique platform.
Eric who is a young up and comer in the teaching and guiding profession in business settings.
Tim my pastor who is a gifted teacher and expositor of the Word.
One of my favorites is Aaron who teaches farmers in West Africa in a completely unique way to grow crops in that arid region of the world. More importantly he walks with them in this new process while pouring himself into their lives for their personal and professional growth and development.
And then of course it’s the mom and dads who are daily guiding their children personally and intentionally, refusing to hand their kids over to the woke agenda and social media influencers.
I talk a lot about effective leadership. So, do you want to be an effective leader who can change the world?
Be a teacher.
Lead someone.
Be an influencer.
Teach and intentionally mentor someone.
Can you think of greater thing than to have someone say of you once you’ve passed from this world,
“He/She, taught me, mentored me and it impacted my life.”
That my leadership friends is the way to…
Finish Well!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Leadership - Courage = “Position Holders”

I’ve spent a lifetime working with or for so called “leaders”. I’ve read many, many books about leadership. I’ve attended and conducted leadership conferences and seminars. Again, this year I will travel to several countries discussing leadership issues.

 However, I’ve discovered that people confuse “Position Holders” with   true leadership.

Too often is the case that those holding positions of authority e.g., politicians, company CEO’s, corporate executives, religious officials, mom, and dad etc. lack a key ingredient to qualify as a leader. They are missing Courage!

Maybe we should have Courageship seminars!

Courage (also called bravery or valor) is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger uncertainty or intimidation.

Moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal discouragement, or personal loss.

Let me give you an example from British history to the differences of position holders and leaders. Consider two Prime Ministers of the UK…

 Neville Chamberlin known for his “foreign policy of appeasement” and Margret Thatcher, a self-described “conviction politician”, disliked by many she was dubbed the “Iron Lady” because she stood against conventual cultural thinking.

People may disagree about a lot of things in 2023, but one thing everyone seems to agree on is “the world is broken” its a mess and things are getting worse, not better. 

Every day we are seeing it first-hand There is a constant and pervasive cultural construct that has invaded the thinking, policies and actions in our world promulgated by news and social media.

 If a person stands firm and will not affirm much of what is deemed acceptable in our society (especially in the realm of human sexuality) then they are considered as out-of- touch, ignorant, old fashioned or bigots. 

This is not new stuff…..

“ The Russian Bolsheviks have discovered that truth does not matter so long as there is reiteration. They have no difficulty whatever in countering a fact by a lie which, if repeated often enough and loudly enough, becomes accepted by the people.”

Winston Churchill

 From the halls of congress, the executive offices of organizations, class rooms of our schools to the living rooms of our homes there are “appeasers “who are going along to get along afraid of criticism from the mob of woke culture. But remember,

 “Any dead fish can swim downstream”

 As a Christian, I will neither affirm nor hate those who have an opposing view.

 However, I will stand firm and with God's help show courage as I pray for and encourage position holders to become genuine leaders through “Courageship”

 Finish Well as you Press on....


Thursday, May 26, 2022

Rock Star Leaders And The Farewell Tour

As an international management consultant for over 30 years, I've been fortunate to see and work with all types of businesses. I've witnessed first hand the good, the bad and the ugly. I've also worked with various levels of managers and a few leaders. As I've often told people "being a boss does not make you a leader". Many believe holding "the title" causes them to think they're leaders. But look closely at their organizations and it quickly reveals the truth. As the Leader goes, so goes the organization." 

At 75 years old I've begun what I call my "farewell tour". I'm not retired but rather redirected in my purpose and focus for the remaining years I have left on this earth. Because of my status change, many of the people and places I've enjoyed in the past will not come around again for me to interact with. So, I want to see, one more time, those organizations and Rock Star Leaders who have played an important part in my life and have enriched me professionally and personally. 

One such leader is R.L. Goodall, CEO and Chairman of Dixon Valve Inc. RL is the 3rd generation Goodall to lead this organization. Under his leadership Dixon has prospered in numerous ways e.g. sustained profitability, market growth in every sector of the business. Dixon has been active and lead in city/state/national involvement and support. They've been extremely generous in the community and with their employees through their philanthropy and strategic programs for growth.  

R.L. is a visionary, humble servant, listener, committed to what is right, fair, ethical and stands strong on the importance of values. 

 He was once a client, but now is my friend. He made me a better consultant and allowed me freedom to do my job and express my opinions. We did not always agree but we learned together. Through a sometimes painful organizational change process, we understood the importance of belief and trust in each other. We talked about business, life, people, politics, sports and the importance of God and His direction in our lives. He has the wonderful ability of surrounding himself with a dynamic team, and is quick to give them and others credit for good things that happen in Dixon. 

Many on his team were part of my farewell tour..Too many to name, but they know who they are and the special place they have in my heart and my gratitude for the years we've worked together.
Bob Grace-Mary Price- RL Goodall
I urge you to go to their website to see more about this organization and to see for yourself of these "rockstar leaders''. 

As for me, I continue on the tour possibly sharing with you more of my thoughts along the way..I continue to.........Press on and Finish Well

Monday, December 27, 2021

Will You Really Have a Happy New Year?


The traditional reframe during this season is "Happy New Year".

Your worldview and how you think about life will have a major impact on the reality of your happiness for 2022 and beyond.

To get started correctly with the right thinking and your subsequent "action plan" we must deal with THE EIGHT LIES that permeate our culture today. These popular and persistent lies have and will continue to derail our personal and societal happiness and cause ongoing confusion and frustration as we move through another 12 months.

 The eight lies...

#1 - Life is random:

If a person believes that we are here by chance and that there is no design or purpose for our existence, how can a person truly set themself up for a position of success? If we are born by evolutionary chance, sustained by random circumstances, and die into oblivion, then what is the motivation to succeed, prosper and do good for the common good?

# 2 - Truth is relative:

The world is crumbling (in part) because so many have adopted the idea that "what is true for you is your truth, but not my truth". Absolute truth is no longer permitted in the public square. It's viewed as narrow-minded or bigoted. Today truth ebbs and flows to whatever we want at the time. If everyone is allowed to make up their own rules about morality, civic or corporate laws, how can anything be put in order for mutual human flourishing? How can one succeed with a chaotic worldview?

# 3 - Human beings are basically good.

The prevailing opinion in many circles today is that people who do bad things are just a product of unfortunate circumstances i.e. "something happened to them to make them behave that way, but people are basically good." Really? Do you have to teach a child to lie? Have you ever taken something from school or work that wasn't yours? Did you ever pad your income tax statements or expense report? There is present an inherent evil in all of us. Organizations spend millions of dollars every year developing, communicating "value statements" or conducting value seminars. Why would we do that if we're all basically good?

# 4 - The highest virtue is tolerance.

Since there is no one in charge, there are no absolute truths and people are basically good, then the best thing you can do is just leave everyone alone and let them do what they want to do. Don't be judgemental and we will experience unity in the world. How can a society or individual prosper in a world that operates in a free-for-all system where everyone does what they want to do, and the rest of us are expected to be "tolerant" of others' behaviors and attitudes.

#5 Life really consists of what you possess, acquire, or own.

Malcolm Forbes is created for saying “He who dies with the most toys wins.”

For some, money and material things equate to a Happy New Year. For others, it's the possession of education, accomplishments, titles, position, achievements, recognition, popularity, or fame. That's what you have to chase. Once you get it, you'll be happy. However, millions of biographies have detailed the necessity to dispute this lie.

#6 The goal in life is personal satisfaction

People want to be feel good about themselves. Sex, drugs, money, and rock-n-roll were the anthems of the '60s. And sadly, the same today. Even those who do good in charitable giving admit that they do it because it makes them feel good about themselves. Is it good to be charitable? Of course! But what is the true motive? Ultimately people live and seek what they think will help them sleep better at night. That chase sadly creates a big hole in the heart that can never be filled. The country singer Toby Keith wrote a song with the chorus that repeatedly declares...

" I wanna talk about me, wanna talk about I,

  wanna talk about #1 oh my me my.

What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see"

Aka..It' all about me..and feeling good about me.

#7 You can become anything you want.

This idea of you can reach inside yourself, that if you work hard enough you can be anything you want is a cruel lie given to us by television preachers, the collective thoughts from philosophies like Hinduism, get rich authors and motivation speakers. We all have limitations, genetically, intellectually, culturally etc. Can we better? Can we be the best we can be? Should we strive for improvement! Yes, but we can't become something we are incapable of becoming. We will be happiest when we harness want we are good at, what we have the aptitude for, what we enjoy doing, and embrace opportunities to show case those gifts and talents we're given.

# 8 Death is a pleasant transition

Don't worry about death. If your worldview tells you, you came from nothing and exist by chance then death is just following the light at the end of the tunnel of nothingness. As one person told me "We become stardust". You'll hear people at uncle Fred's funeral, (who was a wife-beater, crook at work, a drunk, foul-mouthed, and unkind to others) say, "he's in a better place now". Really? Your aunt Mable will not be pouring another glass of her favorite wine and making biscuits. She may or may not be in a better place. That will be determined by the choice she made while she was alive.

I know many will think this is not the most uplifting article to write as we close in on a new year, but I truly wish you a Happy New Year. We still can recapture our western culture. This is not a republican or democratic thing. It's truth, principles, and common sense that once defined us in western civilization. As leaders in our families, our communities, and companies we must resist the cultural pressures to conform ..Any dead fish can swim downstream.

* Life is not random. As I've told many leaders, students, during my professional life, 'You were made for a purpose. Your job is to seek and find what that purpose is."

* There are absolute truths. They may be uncomfortable and inconvenient at times, but they are essential for human flourishing.

* Humans are not born good. There built in all of us a desire to rebel at some level.

* The acceptance of the idea of unbridled tolerance creates chaos.

* Happyness and life are not about what you can get, own or acquire for yourself.

* The drive for personal satisfaction will leave you empty and unattainable.

* You can not be anything you want. You can only be what God has gifted you with and created you for.

* Sadly, for many, death will not be a pleasant transition. For others, death will be the best part of their living.

Share this article with others as we all seek to.......

Press on in a New Year